Heal parasite and bacterial infections naturally with these 7 home remedies

Everywhere in the world we can find parasites and bacteria. Moreover, most travelers know that certain precautions must be taken before and during our stay abroad. In countries where hygiene is lower than we are used to in Europe or where organisms live that our body cannot fight, there is a greater risk of infection. This could lead to infections and diseases such as acute gastroenteritis, Giardia (infection with the intestinal parasite Giardia Lamblia / intestinal Giardia) and campylobacter pylori, these two are the most common in the Caribbean and Southeast Asia.

Here you will find 7 natural medicines that you can use in combination with a treatment prescribed by your doctor:

  1. Oregano oil. This is a natural antibiotic. International studies have shown that the oil of oregano fights infections with bacteria and fungi, parasites, viruses, inflammations, candida, allergies and tumors. It has even been shown that this oil has been more active in the elimination of E. coli bacteria than in the infection with 4 other harmful bacteria. This medicinal substance is extracted from the essential oil to preserve the properties. This is not the typical oregano that you would throw on the pizza, but it is part of the family of the mint branch (Labiatae). Oregano oil can be found in the form of liquid oil or as a capsule in a supplement.
  2. Garlic. Over the years, garlic has been used in many cultures as a home remedy to kill parasites and keep fungal infections under control. It detoxifies, while simultaneously stimulating elimination. It contains antioxidant properties that protect against oxidation caused by parasites, in particular the substances allicin and ajoene. These components can kill unicellular amoebae and even certain worms. Allicin is not naturally found in garlic. When you cut a toe of garlic, the alliinase enzyme acts on the chemical component and converts it to allicin. Use the garlic in small pieces or make a garlic juice. Start with a clove of garlic a day and evaluate how you tolerate it.
  3. Pumpkin seeds. These seeds kill the eggs of the parasites thanks to their natural fats. It has been shown that the cucurbitine contained in the seeds acts against the activities of the parasites because it paralyses the worms so that they are released from the intestinal walls. It is preferable to eat the raw pumpkin seeds during the day as a snack to get the maximum benefit.
  4. Pineapple. Contains a component called bromelain. These enzymes help in the removal of parasites and the digestion in balance. In addition, pineapple is anti-inflammatory, so it actively works on intestinal healing.
  5. Wormwood (lat. Artemisia absinthum). This bitter-tasting Latin American plant contains the absintina substance and is used for the production of the Absinthe alcoholic beverage. Some twigs are also used as part of hierbabuena, used to make the famous liquor mate with Argentina. If you drink the tea from wormwood for about 9 days, you expel the worms and intestinal parasites. Leave a tablespoon of wormwood in a glass of water during the night. In the morning you filter it and drink the liquid at room temperature.
  6. Pippali rasayana. This is a traditional Ayurvedic formula composed with long pepper (Piper longum) and palash (Butea monosperma). Pippali rasayana is widely used in the treatment of chronic dysentery, Giardia infections and worms of parasites. Put a teaspoon of this formula in a cup of hot water and drink it. Do this 3 times a day for a period of 15 days.
  7. Coconut oil. This vegetable oil consists of a medium-chain triglycerides (with 2 or 3 fatty acids) and helps to strengthen the immune system. Coconut oil also has a high concentration of lauric acid and caprylic acid, which contain antiviral, antibacterial and fungicidal properties. During detoxification with coconut oil the coconut oil is added to hot water and drunk for 3 to 7 days. You should take 10-14 tablespoons of coconut oil per day during this detox. You could take two tablespoons every 2 hours, depending on your tolerance level.


Avoid the following if you have an infection with parasites, bacteria or amoebae:

  • products with refined sugar
  • products containing lactose (at least until the intestinal walls have been repaired, because during this period you may have temporary problems with a lactose intolerance due to the antibiotic treatment)
  • processed foods and ready-made meals
  • alcohol
  • wheat (especially wheat containing gluten, because it is converted to sugar and can cause intestinal inflammation)
  • red meat, especially pork
  • leafy green vegetables
  • most fruit, except the ones listed below.


These foods help you to speed up your recovery:

  • probiotic complexes in powder or capsule
  • fermented foods such as kombucha, kimchi and sauerkraut or fermented cabbage
  • kale
  • white meat such as turkey and chicken
  • spring onion
  • basmati rice
  • almonds
  • thyme

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