I could talk about this all day, but the most important thing regarding fruit is how you digest it, as with anything if we take into account the ayurvedic principles. As you know, according to Ayurveda most diseases find their root cause in the digestive tract. Undigested food and waste materials (feces, urine, sweat…) that are of low quality, not eliminated on time, and do not have a good rhythm – remember the importance of those daily bowel movements – will eventually turn into āma, the sanskrit word for toxins.

Not all foods are digested with the same speed. Fruit can be digested within 30 minutes, while rice and beans could take a couple of hours to be processed by the digestive tract. In the western world, we are used to having an appetizer, then a main dish and then dessert. If you eat a plate of pasta and vegetables that need about an hour to 2 hours to go through the digestive tract, and you eat your favourite fruit, be it mandarines, grapes or melon, right after that, it will sit in your stomach too long, waiting for its turn to move through the digestive tract once your system is finished with your main meal. This causes a fermenting or rotting process inside the stomach, which then leads to bloating, cramps, diarrhoea and other symptoms related to indigestion.

On the other hand, incompatible food combinations like with fruit, do not only lead to indigestion and the creation of toxins; if we do this regularly, eventually it will damage the intelligence of our cells, which can then lead to many different diseases.

According to the ayurvedic diet’s principles we should always introduce the 6 tastes (6 rasas) in our meals: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent. Since the sweet taste is related to Kapha, and this dosha is responsible for the first part of digestion, which is our mouth, it is adviseable to eat your fruit half an hour before your main meal. It might seem weird in the beginning, but as you start to make it a habit, you will see you you will feel lighter and that you will much more at ease after eating. Below I have added a couple of tips for you regarding the consumption of fruit.

The ayurvedic diet and the intake of fruit